ECPN community pedagogists in Kamloops are offering their inaugural Exposure series alongside the Kamloops Art Gallery’s current exhibition, Soundings: An Exhibition in Five Parts. Curated by Dylan Robinson and Candice Hopkins, Soundings includes works by Indigenous and other artists which respond to the question: How can a score be a tool and a call for decolonization? The exhibition, which has travelled through four Indigenous territories thus far, changes every time it enters a new gallery and territory. The works also change during the exhibition in response to interventions from viewers. To learn more about the exhibition, visit the Kamloops Art Gallery website here.
We (Teresa Smith and Kim Smith) are excited to offer early childhood education professionals in the Kamloops CCRR region the opportunity to think early childhood education through these works. Over the past three months, Kamloops educators and pedagogists have been exploring the Pedagogy of Listening at regular community conversations. Soundings offers an opportunity to further this thinking by inviting us to explicitly think listening through an artistic, decolonial lens.
This first Exposure in the Kamloops area will include two virtual events, during which pedagogists and educators will put Soundings into conversation with the Early Learning Framework (2019). The first event, happening June 7th, is a virtual guided tour of the exhibition with Kamloops Art Gallery (KAG) Education and Public Programs Director, Emily Hope. Directly following the tour, pedagogists and participants will craft questions to ask curators at a panel discussion the following day. The panel discussion is taking place during the work day, so participants who cannot attend in person will be sent a recording of the panel discussion. On June 24th, everyone will reconvene virtually to engage in further discussion about the curators’ response and the way their work may challenge and inform our understandings of ECE. Throughout the duration of the Exposure, registered participants will be able to attend the gallery to engage with the artworks in person.
We are looking forward to engaging with the works, the curators and early childhood professionals through our first Exposure series, beginning June 7th.