Conversations III explored pedagogical narrations (see BC Early Learning Framework, 2019) with Bo Sun Kim and Narda Nelson.
Dr. Bo Sun Kim is a faculty member in the School of Education and Childhood Studies at Capilano University, and a faculty pedagogist with the ECPN. She holds a Ph.D. & M.A in Curriculum and Pedagogy from the University of British Columbia, Canada.
Narda Nelson is a pedagogist and researcher with the University of Victoria Child Care Services and a faculty pedagogist with the ECPN. She is a Ph.D. student in Western University’s Faculty of Education and holds an M.A in Child & Youth Care from the University of Victoria, BC.
Pedagogists Haideh Hashemi Nouri and Jungsun Park engaged Kim and Nelson in dialogue to explore:
how observation with/in pedagogical narrations is different from observation through the lens of developmental psychology
how pedagogical narrations make visible our values and pedagogical commitments
how pedagogical narrations can shape collective curriculum inquiry processes
Through these dialogic conversations, Nouri and Park co-created a space to unsettle dominant understandings of pedagogical narrations and to consider the inseparable relationship between pedagogy, curriculum inquiry and pedagogical narrations. These conversations are proposed for educators to collectively imagine and enliven conditions that foster situated pedagogical and curricular processes.
Audio recordings of the two-part Conversations III
Conversation III Part 1 – August 26, 2020
Conversation III Part 2 – September 1, 2020
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