On January 25, 2022, early childhood educators Iryna and Katina joined faculty pedagogist Michelle as they shared their living inquiry. Through investigating with bear scat, they shared their inquiry with the children, educators and families in thinking about the complexities in which we coexist on this land. Katina and Iryna shared the rejuvenation and passion they feel in their work as they move from teaching curriculum to living and learning together. Through their reading of the B.C. Early Learning Framework and engaging in conversations with Michelle, these educators shared how they are deconstructing some of the dominant ideas in their practice. This discussion is part of a Series of Conversations ECPN is curating to share pedagogist and educator experiences of creating pedagogical projects in early childhood spaces. For Conversations V: Part 1, read here.
Continuing the Conversation
We are excited to continue the discussion from Conversations V: Pt. 2-“This is so Bad!” on the Thinking With the BC Early Learning Framework discussion forum. If you would like to join the discussion and are not already a member of the BC Early Years Professional Development Hub, please create a profile at https://bcearlyyearshub.ca/. Once you have created a profile and have logged in, you can request access to the discussion forum here. Within this forum please navigate to the pedagogist-led discussion – Conversations V: Pt. 2-“This is so Bad!”
Presenter Bios:
Iryna Mykhaylova immigrated to Canada 13 years ago with her family from the Ukraine. Inspired by her children’s preschool teacher she decided to pursue a career in early childhood education. She has been a mentor for over five years, challenging new early childhood education students to think deeply about their work with children and families.
Katina D’Onofrio was an early childhood education assistant for 12 years. Seeking to improve her professionalism in the field, she completed her ECE training this past year. She continues to discover new things about herself and her practice as she learns alongside children, families and educators.
Michelle Pierce has been working in a variety of positions in the early years field for the last 20 years. A Selkirk College alumni, she is now teaching in the ECCE program. In her role as an ECPN faculty pedagogist, she shares her passion for pedagogical narrations as a way to collect traces of learning and engage in reflective practice.
Video recording of Conversations V Pt. 2 can be accessed below.