Conversations II explored the concept of curriculum making with atelierista Sylvia Kind and pedagogista Cristina Delgado Vintimilla.
Dr. Sylvia Kind is a faculty member in the School of Education and Childhood Studies at Capilano University, and an atelierista at the Capilano University Children’s Centre. Her work explores early childhood studio research.
Dr. Cristina Delgado Vintimilla is a pedagogista within the Italian tradition and an assistant professor in the Faculty of Education at York University. Until recently she was the pedagogista at Capilano University Children’s Centre.
Pedagogists Amy Andress and Jiyeon Kim engaged Kind and Delgado Vintimilla in dialogue to explore the concept of curriculum making.
Through these dialogic conversations, Andress and Kim co-created a space to ponder Kind and Delgado Vintimilla’s invention of alternative curricular trajectories in early childhood education. These conversations are proposed for educators to collectively imagine curricular invitations that curriculum as a form of making might offer.
Video recordings of each of the two-part Conversations II can be accessed below.
Please do not take any screenshots/photos of the slides presented during these conversations.
The ideas shared in these videos relate to situated pedagogical work. They refer to the particular context of Capilano University Children’s Centre and they do not offer universalized ideas or models that can be de-contextualized.
Conversations II Part 1 – July 28, 2020
Conversations II Part 2 – July 30, 2020
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